Cedar Grove Baptist is a church committed to loving God, growing believers together in Christian faith, and serving others in Jesus Name! You will find Cedar Grove Baptist to be a church that is friendly, family-focused, and faithful to the Word of God!
Cedar Grove Baptist cooperates in fellowship with the Robeson Baptist Association and is affiliated with the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina.
We concur with the Baptist Faith and Message, a statement of faith affirmed by many churches in the Southern Baptist Convention. We believe our common Confession of Faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, Savior and God enables us to join in love, fellowship, service, and Spirit-filled worship.

Sunday Morning
Sunday School 10AM
Worship service 11AM
Sunday Evening
No evening service.
Mid-Week (Wednesday)
Bible Study & Prayer 7PM
3373 7th Street Road
PO Box 2250
Lumberton, NC 28358
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